Calculation of temperature distribution and rheological properties of the lithosphere along transect I in the Western Carpathians
Jana DÉREROVÁ1, Igor KOHÚT1, Miroslav BIELIK1,2, Marián BOŠANSKÝ2, Barbora PORUBČANOVÁ1
1 Geophysical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences
2 Department of Applied and Environmental Geophysics, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Comenius University
The Carpathian-Pannonian Basin region, due to its complexity, represents a challenging area to study the influence of different parameters on the lithospheric rheology. In a relatively small area, many different thermotectonic units occur. The Pannonian Basin is young and hot, whereas the Western Carpathians being also young are colder. The thermotectonically old lithosphere represented by the Bohemian Massif and the European platform, which underthrust beneath the Western Carpathians, forms a sharp rheological contrast to the former two lithospheric units. Furthermore, the abundance of geophysical data such as deep seismic reflection and refractions profiles, gravity, radiometric and surface heat flow data provide valuable constraints on tectonic models of the area. For that reason, we applied 2-dimensional integrated modeling algorithm to calculate rheological model of the lithosphere along transect I passing through the Carpathian-Pannonian basin region.