Peter Vajda

research interests

* physical geodesy - earth's gravity field
* geophysics - gravimetry
* geodynamics - volcano geodesy - interpretation of spatiotemporal gravity changes
* geophysics - paleomagnetism


06/2024–12/2024 (principal investigator)
Gravimetric 3D structural model of Etna summit (acronym ETNAGRAV) (ID: C1_TA3-83-1_1 )
Transnational Access project of Geo-INQUIRE project (52 partner organizations) funded by EU under grant agreement No 101058518

2023--2026 (pricipal investigator)
Application of modern gravimetric and other geophysical methods to selected problems of geological structure of the earth crust and lithosphere and of its geodynamic processes
(VEGA 2/0002/23)

12/2020–11/2023 (investigator)
Deposit-to-Regional Scale Exploration (acronym D-Rex) program ERA.Net

07/2020–06/2024 (investigator)
New Bouguer anomaly map of the Alpine-Carpathian area: a tool for gravity and tectonic applications - ALCABA

03/2020–11/2021 (principal investigator)
Gravimetric investigation of the structure of the Etna summit craters system (acronym G-ET-SUMMIT)
Trans National Access project granted under EUROVOLC project that received funding from EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation actions under grant agreement No 731070

2019--2022 (principal investigator)
Integration of latest findings and approaches of gravimetry, geothermics and deep seismics for determining lithospheric structure and tectonics focusing on Western Carpathians
(VEGA 2/0006/19)

2017– 2021 (deputy principal investigator/group leader)
Geophysical multi-parametric modelling of the Earth's crust and upper mantle in Slovakia - LITHORES

2016–2018 (Scientist in Charge)
Multi-dimensional integrated geophysical-petrological modelling of the crust, and uppermost mantle for central Europe region by structural joint inversion
(SASPRO 1497/03/01/ CRITHON3D)

2015–2018 (principal investigator)
Implementation of recent innovations in potential fields interpretation methodology
(VEGA 2/0042/15)

2015–2018 (deputy principal investigator, coordinator for Earth Science Institute)
Geophysical model of the lithosphere of the Western Carpathians
(VEGA 1/0141/15)

2012–2015 (principal investigator Vajda/Majcin)
Structure and thermal state of the West Carpathian lithosphere: hot dry rock energy sources potential of Slovakia


2011–2014 (deputy principal investigator, coordinator for Geophys. Inst.)
Bouguer anomalies of new generation and the gravimetric model of the Western Carpathians

2012–2014 (principal investigator)
Integration of geothermal modeling into the gravimetric inverse problem solving
(VEGA 2/0067/12)

2012–2014 (deputy principal investigator)
Interpretation of the geophysical field anomalous sources with the aim to improve the knowledge on the structure and dynamics of the Carpathian orogen
(VEGA 1/0095/12)

2009–2011 (principal investigator)
Robustness analysis of selected gravimetric and geodynamic interpretation methods in geophysical inverse problems
(VEGA 2/0107/09)

2009–2011 (deputy principal investigator)
Parallel and regularized modelling of potential fields in Carpathian-Pannonian region
(VEGA 1/0461/09)

2006–2008 (principal investigator)
Development of modern methods for the interpretation of the earth’s gravity field and their integration for studying the lithosphere properties
(VEGA 2/6019/26)  

2006–2008 (deputy principal investigator)
Regularized solutions to the direct and inverse gravimetric problems with the goal of enhancing the geophysical interpretation of lithosphere of the Western Carpathians and their surrounding tectonic units
(VEGA 1/3066/06)

2005–2007 (investigator)
Development, enhancement and application of progressive 2D and 3D methods of interpreting the gravity field in geophysics and geology

1996–2005 (investigator) 6 Vega projects (VEGA 2/3057/23, VEGA 2/3004/23, VEGA 2/7059/20, VEGA 2/7060/20, VEGA 2/4047/99, VEGA 95/5305/418)  

1996–2006 (investigator)
Development of the Truncation Filtering Methodology for Geophysical Applications. (Geophys.Inst. SAS Bratislava, Slovakia, in collaboration with The Earth Gravity Field project of the Geodesy Group of the GGE UNB, Canada)  

1992–1995 (investigator)
Precise regional geoid determination
(GGE UNB, Canada, contract of the Geodetic Survey Division, Geomatics Sector, Natural Resources Canada, Ottawa)

1991–1995 (research assistant)
Truncated Geoid and the Gravimetric Inverse Problem. (GGE UNB, Fredericton, Canada)

gravimetric campaign, Etna, July 2024

gravimetric campaign, Etna, July 2018

North-East crater, Etna 2018

Mt Guajara
field work, June 2016, Tenerife
(volcano gravimetry)

Lomnicky peak 2015 VGG observation
Lomnicky peak 2015, High Tatras, Slovakia, (alpine gravimetry)

Fiji 2014SVEOCC 2014, Fiji, South Pacific