Peter Vajda
Tenzer R, Novák P, Vajda P, Gladkikh
V, Hamayun, 2012
Spectral harmonic analysis and synthesis of Earth’s crust gravity
Computational Geosciences, 16(1):193–207
doi: 10.1007/s10596-011-9264-0
Tenzer R., Novák P., Hamayun,
Vajda P.,
Spectral expressions for modelling the gravitational field of the
Earth’s crust density structure.
Studia Geophysica et
doi: 10.1007/s11200-011-9023-7,
Tenzer R., Hamayun, Novák P., Gladkikh V.,
Vajda P., 2012
Global crust-mantle density contrast estimated from
EGM2008, DTM2008, CRUST2.0, and ICE-5G.
Pure and Applied Geophysics 169(9): 1663–1678
doi: 10.1007/s00024-011-0410-3,
Prutkin I., Vajda P., Tenzer R., Bielik, M.,
3D inversion of gravity data by separation of sources and the
method of local corrections: Kolarovo gravity high case study.
Journal of Apllied Geophysics,
doi: 10.1016/j.jappgeo.2011.08.012,
Tenzer R., Novák P., Vajda P., Ellmann
A., Abdalla A., 2011
Far-zone gravity field
contributions corrected for the effect of topography by means of
Molodensky’s truncation coefficients.
Studia Geophysica et
Geodeatica, 55(1):55–71,
doi: 10.1007/s11200-011-0004-7
Tenzer R., J. Mikuška, I. Marušiak, R. Pašteka, R. Karcol,
P. Vajda, P. Sirguey
, 2010.
Computation of the atmospheric gravity correction in New
New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 53(4):
doi: 10.1080/00288306.2010.510171
Tenzer, R., Hamayun, and P. Vajda, 2009.
Roughness of three types of gravity disturbances and their
correlation with topography in rugged mountains and flat regions.
Acta Geophysica. 57(3),
doi: 10.2478/s11600-009-0018-5
Tenzer, R., Hamayun, and P. Vajda
Global maps of the CRUST 2.0 crustal
components stripped gravity disturbances,
Journal of Geophysical Research, 114, B05408,
doi: 10.1029/2008JB006016
Vajda, P., A.
Ellmann, B. Meurers, P. Vaníček, P. Novák, and R. Tenzer,
ellipsoid-referenced topographic, bathymetric and stripping
corrections to gravity disturbance.
Stud. Geophys. Geod.
52(1): 19–34,
Vajda, P., P.
Vaníček, P. Novák, R. Tenzer, and A. Ellmann,
Secondary indirect
effects in gravity anomaly data inversion or interpretation,
J. Geophys. Res.,
112, B06411,
Vajda, P.,
P. Vaníček, and B. Meurers.
A new physical foundation for anomalous gravity.
Stud. Geophys. Geod. 50(2):
189–216, doi:10.1007/s11200-006-0012-1
Vajda, P. and P.
Vaníček, 1999.
Truncated geoid and gravity inversion for one point-mass anomaly.
of Geodesy 73(2): 58–66,
doi: 10.1007/s001900050219
V.S. and P. Vajda,
Determination of Thermal Magnetization Using the Anhysteretic Magnetization Method.
Physics of the Solid Earth, 34(10):
Vaníček, P., W.
Sun, P. Ong, Z. Martinec, P. Vajda and B. ter Horst,
Continuation of Helmert´s Gravity.
of Geodesy
71(1): 21–34.
Peter Vajda, Ilya Prutkin, Jo Gottsmann, 2013. Reinterpretation of Teide 2004–2005 gravity changes by 3D line segments approximation (oral, invited talk). 15th annual conference of IAMG: Frontiers of Mathematical Geosciences: New approaches to understand the natural world, 2–6 Sept., 2013, Madrid, Spain
Nováka P., Tenzer, R., Vajda P., 2012. Spectral representations of Earth inner density structures and gravity field. EGU General Assembly 2012, session G1.1 (poster, abstract EGU2012-10024)
Tenzer R, Hamayun, Novák P, Gladkikh V,
Vajda P (2011) The crust-mantle density contrast estimated
based on EGM2008, DTM2008, CRUST2.0 and ICE-5G. Session G4.2/GD1.5:
Geodynamics - Gravity
modelling for understanding of the solid Earth structure and
geodynamical processes, EGU General Assembly, April 3–8, 2011,
Vienna, Austria (poster)
Tenzer, R., Hamayun, P. Vajda, R. Riva (2008) Global map of the ice and sediment stripped BT gravity disturbances. AGU Fall Meeting, 15–19 December 2008, San Francisco, California, USA (poster)
Vajda, P., P. Vaníček, P. Novák, R. Tenzer, A. Ellmann, and B.
Meurers (2008). On ambiguities in definitions and applications of
Bouguer gravity anomaly. IAG International Symposium on Gravity,
Geoid and Earth Observation, 23–27 June 2008, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Vajda P., A. Ellmann, B. Meurers, P. Vaníček, P. Novák, R. Tenzer
(2007) On a refined global topographic correction to gravity
disturbances. XXIV IUGG General Assembly, July 2–13, 2007,
Perugia, Italy, (oral)
Tenzer, R., P. Novák, A. Ellmann, P. Vajda,
2006. Far-zone effects in gravimetric geoid modelling by means of
the surface truncation coefficients. 1st International Symposium of
The International
Gravity Field Service, August 28 – September 1, 2006, Istanbul,
Turkey, (poster)
Vajda, P., P. Vaníček, P. Novák, R. Tenzer and A. Ellmann (2006)
Secondary indirect effects in gravimetry. 2‐nd Workshop on
International Gravity Field Research, Smolenice castle, Slovak
Republic, May 8–9, 2006, (oral)
Vajda, P., Brimich, L (2003) Analytical derivation of the of the instant of the dimple pattern in 2D truncation filtering methodology for a point source of heat geodynamic model. EGS/AGU/EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 6–11, 2003, (poster)
Vajda, P., Brimich, L., Jentzsch, G., Jahr, T., Weise, A (2003) Interpreting temporal changes of gravity at Mayon using the TFM: preliminary results. Workshop „Time-variable deformation and gravity fields: theory, observations, and modelling.“ Casa de los Volcanes, Lanzarote, Canary Islands, Spain, February 18–21, 2003, (oral)
Vajda, P (2000) Interpreting gravity data by means of truncation filtering. 8th International Alpine Gravimetry Colloquium, Leoben, Austria, May 4–5, 2000, (oral)
Vajda, P., P. Vaníček, Z. Martinec M. Paton (1993) Truncated Geoid and the Inverse Gravimetric Problem: Progress Report., The CGU Annual Meeting, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 9–11, 1993, (oral)
Vajda, P., M.C. Santos, P. Vaníček, P. Ong M.R. Craymer (1992) A Comparison of Geoidal Deflections Computed from the UNB´91 Geoid with Observed Astrodeflections., The 1992 Spring Meeting of AGU/CGU/MSA, Montreal, Canada, May 12–16, 1992, (oral)
Vajda, P. (1990) Investigation of Possibility to Determine the
Palaeointensity of the Thermoremanently Magnetised Synthetic
Magnetite by the Method of Anhysteretic Magnetising., New Trends in
Geomagnetism, Castle of Bechyne, South Bohemia, Czechoslovakia,
September 24–29, 1990, (oral)
IAMG 2013, Madrid
ESC 2011, Salina, Liparské ostrovy
3rd Workshop on
Deformation and Gravity Change (2009)
Lanzarote, Kanárske ostrovy
WSEAS (EG’08) Malta, 2008
IAG Symposium 2008, Kréta
Lanzarote, Kanárske ostrovy, 2003
CGU 1993 Annual Meeting
1992 Spring Meeting
Montreal, Quebec,
New Trends in Geomagnetism, 1990
zámok Bechyne, Československo